
Welcome to my photoblog!
The purpose of my blog is, not only to share my photographic experiences, but also to show the complexity of everything in the world we live in. Beautiful and creative objects made by human, the perfect nature we live in and the animals we share it with. Big or small. It all deserves a second thought.

The photographs are strict copyright protected! If You want to use any of the photographs on this site, please send an e-mail request to:


I will reply You as soon as possible. Using any of the photographs without my permission is illegal!

Please don´t hesitate to contact me if You have any questions or suggestions on how I can improve my blog or my photographs. Send me an e-mail or just leave a comment in the posts below, any feedback is appreciated!

Kind regards,

Raoul Rooth Bertilsson

Live in the present...

Today I would like to share with you a quote that really caught my eye:
"To duel in the past, is to die in the present."
Unfortunately I don't know who originally coined the term but nevertheless I think it deserves to be shared!

"To duel in the past, is to die in the present."

Happy halloween!

Allow yourself...

We all have bad days where things doesn't flow as smooth as one might wish. Life is not always easy, that's for sure, but I belive that when things are tough it's also the time when we grow the most. So allow yourself to have a bad day! Allow yourself to be human!
Since it is monday (not always a bad thing), why not cheer things up with a wounderful chocolate cake! It is not only good for your soul, but also for your health. Dark chocolate and raspberries contains lots of antioxidants that is good for you. Allow youself! It's an order! :-)

In a glassblower's workshop...

Last weekend I got the oppertunity to visit a glassblower in his workshop and follow the complete process of making glass! The hot glass on the picture is about to become a beautiful bowl. I'm still amazed by how much creative and useful things you can do with glass! It's hard to think that glass that is such a solid material when it is cold can become as smooth and as honey when its hot.

It´s been awhile...

After a wonderful summer vacation the site is now ready to be updated with lots of new and inspiring photographs!


Binary headache

Have you ever thought about how much in your life that is represented by only ones and zeroes? Pictures on your computer, important documents, hours of hard work, e-mails, contactinformation and schehdules. Even how much money you have on your bank-account is controlled by thoose tiny bits that is stored in a computer. What would happend if it all just got wiped out one day? What would you do if your purchase one day got denied because "your" ones and zeros that is stored on your banks computer have dissapeared?...

Golden days

Have you ever woken up and felt that everything is just perfect? I hope you have because it is a wonderful feeling! Usually when I have thoose days it´s like all my senses is working together in a different way, and I manage to perceive my surrounding more than you normally do. The light, the sounds, the air and the smells.
Today the sun is shining on your soul and everything is possible!

Shapes of Nature

Awakening of nature

The spring is finally here! To me it feels just like those early mornings when the sun have just started to share its heat with the earth and its beings. The air is cool and you might even feel a bit cold. But you know it is going to be a beautiful warm day!

Perfect imperfection

What do you think? Is it too abstract or is it an underestimated imperfection? Somtimes it can be difficult to tell if something is art or not. In fact, sometimes things becomes so imperfect (that should represent not art) that we actually think that it is perfect (art). In other words, perfect imperfection!

Hoya plant

"Rain" part II

"Haven´t I seen this before?" you might think. The answer is yes, and no. This is a different version of my painting called "Rain". In this version I wanted to create the feeling of beeing under the tree, protected from the rain that is pouring down around you.

Don´t underestimate "imperfection"

Today I´d like to complement my last post about creativity by saying that "imperfections" has a very important role to play in a creative process. The "imperfections" not only inspire us to think outside the box, but also sometimes is a part of the perfect art itself. Imperfection complements perfection and vice versa!

I was watching google's interview with Lady Gaga today and she got the question: What is the greatest piece of advise you've ever recieved?
She answers:

"If you don't have any shadows, you're not standing in the light."

I think that sentence summarizes what I'm trying to say just perfectly!

Use all your senses to create!

I was on a shopping tour the other day and came across this beautiful handcrafted ceramic vase. It's amazing what we can create when we combine all our senses! We use our eyes to find interesting shapes and beautiful colors. We let sounds and music inspire us in the process and we use our hands to create objects that reflects our innermost feelings.

The creator of the vase is Tina Hellman and you can check out more of her beautiful work by following the link below:

The beauty of math

I´m currently trying to learn such a fun thing as signalanalysis (in doubt it´s ever going to happen). It looks pretty cool though! All the squiggles (funny word) signs and numbers is like an artform of its own.

Finally I have to quote my teacher:

"If you can choose multiple paths to solve a problem, choose the easiest path for God's sake!"

Don´t let anybody drag you down

Have you ever felt that other people is draging you down? Don´t let them! Believe in yourself no matter what other people tell you what you can or can not do. I´m afraid that there will always be some people who are negative to everything they do. And like that´s not enough, they seems to enjoy dragging you down with them!

On the other hand there are those people that always cheer you up and see things from the bright side. Listen to those people instead! Together you can brighten things up!

Northern lights will brighten your day!

 I have to be honest with you, I had a really crappy day today. You know what I am talking about, we have all been there. But when the day ends like on the pictures above you just have to put a smile on your face. An amazing show created by nature itself just for you!

Reindeer Race!

When I was in Kiruna I also visited the special winter fair that takes place in Jokkmokk every year. At the fair  you can expirience a special reindeer-race where reindeers compete with each other who is the fastest. People can also place bets on which reindeer they think will win. The above picture shows a reindeer preparing itself before a race!

And the race begins!

Longing for summer...

When the summer feels so far away I usually watch this picture and imagine a late summer evening when it begins to cool after a wonderful, warm summer day!

A helping hand

Today I´d like to share a short story with you:

I was planning to do some shopping in the city the other day. The city is not very far from where I live so normally I choose to walk there. But this day it was very cold so I decided to take the bus. I get on the bus and after a while it stops at a bus-stop, to pick up passengers (as buses do). The people gets on and the bus begins to drive again, and here comes the point of  my story. The bus actually reaches say 20 meters from the bus-stop when the driver sees this man desperatly running towards it. And the bus-driver hits the breaks and stops the bus! I dont know about you but I think this is somthing very unusual nowdays. Kindness! 
The man gets on the bus and says: "Thank you very, very much! I have a very important meeting very soon." 
The busdriver answers: "No worries, it´s so cold outside, I felt sorry for you having to wait for the next bus."

Things like this really makes me belive in life because this is what it is all about. Helping each other and stand up for each other and knowing that the people around you do the same! 
Since it is Saint Valentines Day I thought this was very good time to share this story with you.

Be kind to one another! 

Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi

Have you ever thought of what you can make of ice and snow? The answer is: ALOT! Each year they build an icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, not very far from Kiruna. What is so fascinating about it (except that it is made from only ice and snow) is that the hotel looks completely different every year! When the winter is over the icehotel melts and when it gets cold again in november they start over with a new one. How COOL isn´t that!

 Look at how detailed the pillars are!
"Ice-painting" with real 3d effect.

Can you imagine waking up with these cute little polarbears (and one big scary mama-bear!) looking at you?

There is even a church where many couples take the oppertunity to marry.

If you´re into cars then you might want to check in to this room. The car is is actually a your bed!

This is just pictures from a few rooms. There where many, many more rooms and every room unique!

The church in Kiruna

Something I really was looking forward to with my trip to Kiruna was to visit the church.  I knew this building is somthing very special because I´ve seen pictures of it before but I have to say I was stunned by its beauty. No wonder that it was awarded Swedens "best building of all time, built before 1950" in 2001.

If you are amazed by how it looks on the outside you will be even more amazed when you get inside! The pictures I took is not enuogh to explain how it really felt to be there in real life. It was truly a spectacular experience and I highly recommend you to visit if you are able to.

Northern lights!

After a wonderful weekend in Kiruna I´m back with some wonderful pictures to show you! Kiruna is the larges city in Sweden in terms of surface, and almost as far north you can get in sweden. That far north it is not very unusual to see this beautiful phenomenon known as aurora! This is something I´ve never photographed before so I was very happy I got the chance to try it! More pictures from my trip is about to come so check back soon!

It´s time for a new acrylic painting!

I thought it was time to show you another acrylic painting, this time without the messy environment :). This one is entitled "Rain".

Sun is back!

The sun is finally starting to come back again! THANK GOD! It´s not visible many hours a day but at least you can feel the time increasing. I´m starting to feel that I might not be the right kind of person to live this far north because the dark winter can be really exhausting. The funny thing about it is that in the summer, its never dark! Anyway, sunlight is much appriciated! :)

How about some apple pie?

A new week is just about to begin and we all know that it can be tough to get back to work after a nice (but too short) weekend. I suggest you do something exta for yourself that helps you get started. How about a delicious apple pie? That should cheer almost anyone up!

Fresh apples!

Apples fried with cinnamon, a tad of ginger and sugar. It will fill you home with a scent from heaven!

...And the final result, a wounderful piece of apple pie! After this you will be ready to get started!

Rocket salad

Time theme!

The following photos is part of a photo exhibition currently at the school of music in Piteå. The exhibition is the result of a beginners course in digital photography. The images should be up for at least one more month so feel free to check that out if you´re nearby!

The theme of the exhibition is TIME, and here is how I chose to photograph TIME!

An artist's creation mess

"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey."

Here is a picture showing how chaotic an artist's creation process can look! I realized that sometimes the creation process itself is an essential part of the art and not only the final result.

It may seem confusing but it's just like saying that the goal of a trip isn't always the final destination but how you get there...

Ice Sculpture

This beautiful ice sculpture can be seen in central Luleå. No matter how beautiful it is, I cant help wonder when it will melt...

Some warmer colors for you!

This is a close-up of a beautiful hibiscus. Wonderful colors!

Winter ain´t over yet...

Its been a while since my last post but now im back in business again!
It looks like winter is here to stay and I cant wait for the summer (well, first of all spring) to arrive. But how can you just not love the beauty of snow- and frost coated objects. I promise the next post wont be of a branch but before then I just have to post some more! :)