
Welcome to my photoblog!
The purpose of my blog is, not only to share my photographic experiences, but also to show the complexity of everything in the world we live in. Beautiful and creative objects made by human, the perfect nature we live in and the animals we share it with. Big or small. It all deserves a second thought.

The photographs are strict copyright protected! If You want to use any of the photographs on this site, please send an e-mail request to:


I will reply You as soon as possible. Using any of the photographs without my permission is illegal!

Please don´t hesitate to contact me if You have any questions or suggestions on how I can improve my blog or my photographs. Send me an e-mail or just leave a comment in the posts below, any feedback is appreciated!

Kind regards,

Raoul Rooth Bertilsson

Don't be afraid to open new doors

Life is a strange journey. Most of us have probably sometime wondered if the path we choose through life is the right one. Many people would probably also say that the question doesn't have an answer or that it is very complicated to answer such a question.

I would say that the answer is much more simple than most of us think.

You shouldn't be afraid to open new doors in your life, but you should also be aware that some doors need to be shut. The weather outside might have been nice when you once opened the door, but accept the fact the things change. When chilly winds are preventing you from open new doors, you should consider shut the doors leading to bad weather.

As long as you follow your heart, every path is the right path.

Mission impossible

Sometimes you just surprises yourself with how far you can stretch the camera settings and still get a pretty good picture. The above image was taken in a room with only a small amount of light from a window.
When I was about to take the picture I realized that the small amount of light would give me quite a challange getting the image that I wanted. I increased the ISO to 800, didn´t want to go to far to avoid noise. With a aperture of f/5.6 this resulted in a shutterspeed of 1/8 sec. A shutterspeed almost as long as an eternity when shooting handheld. Add a focal length of 135mm to this equation and most photagraphers would probably run away.

How I managed to keep that camera steady, with the above settings, on my knees, surprises me. But how the cat in the picture didn´t move the slightest is a mysterium.

Anything is obviously possible if you only have the guts to try.


It is easy to see the world that surround us without actually looking. With the use of my camera, I try to look at the world with different eyes. Look at the above image as an example. Who knew that firesparks created such beautiful lines of light, on their journey through the sky?