Today I´d like to share a short story with you:
I was planning to do some shopping in the city the other day. The city is not very far from where I live so normally I choose to walk there. But this day it was very cold so I decided to take the bus. I get on the bus and after a while it stops at a bus-stop, to pick up passengers (as buses do). The people gets on and the bus begins to drive again, and here comes the point of my story. The bus actually reaches say 20 meters from the bus-stop when the driver sees this man desperatly running towards it. And the bus-driver hits the breaks and stops the bus! I dont know about you but I think this is somthing very unusual nowdays. Kindness!
The man gets on the bus and says: "Thank you very, very much! I have a very important meeting very soon."
The busdriver answers: "No worries, it´s so cold outside, I felt sorry for you having to wait for the next bus."
Things like this really makes me belive in life because this is what it is all about. Helping each other and stand up for each other and knowing that the people around you do the same!
Since it is Saint Valentines Day I thought this was very good time to share this story with you.
Be kind to one another!